Due to the impacts of COVID-19 over the last financial year, your FBT return may look a little different this year. Here are some of the areas that you might need to consider:
Are you in the right mindset to take on the challenges of the business? Running a business is a lot
of hard work and requires strict disciple. Before taking on a business,
Most small businesses are exempt from paying fringe benefits on car parking. This is one of the benefits that you can provide to your staff that is tax effective. If however, your turnover is more than $10 million AND you provide your employees with a car park as a part of their fringe benefits you will need to provide us with:
The ATO has also revised the definition of ‘Commercial Car Parking Facility’. This means that the benefit will now also include when:
If you have an employee who has been provided with a car as a fringe benefit, you will need to provide the following answers:
You may also need to also provide a logbook (that meets the ATO’s minimum requirements) if you’re going to use the Operating Cost Method.
You should also include details of any running costs, recipient payments and any documentation that may note the changes in the pattern of use of the vehicle due to COVID (ie, driving more or less for work-related reasons).
Entertainment benefits can include sustenance, entertainment leasing facilities, properties, expense payment benefits and perhaps most common of all, meal entertainment. You will need to be able to provide us with the what, why, when, where and to who the entertainment was provided to.
Meal Entertainment is one of the areas of FBT that you need to be aware of, as it can be tricky. The best way to manage it for your next FBT year is to:
You may need to start a conversation with your accountant if you have been providing your employees and their associates with non- cash benefits and private expenses you have paid on their behalf. This is information that they will need to help prepare your tax return.
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