Deryn worked for Logan & Hall for over 32 years. She was originally employed in an administration role which she continued to do until she left in 1984 to start her family having children Jane and then David. Deryn returned to Logan & Hall in around 1990 as the Office Manager where she also completed some accounting courses. Deryn eventually went onto managing all the office Self-Managed Super Funds including preparation and lodgement of these returns.
During her time at Logan & Hall, Deryn built strong relationships with her clients and will be missed by them we’re sure.
Outside of work, Deryn is also well known in the Swan Hill Community with her involvement with the Swan Hill Show and Swan Hill Women in Racing. Deryn could also be found on the golf course. You may have even shared a glass or two of bubbles with Deryn along the way.
We treasure the many years we have had with Deryn both at work and personally. She will be missed around the workplace, but we will be keeping in touch.
Deep will now be managing the Self-Managed Super Funds and can take care of any queries you may have.
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